Saul Vilchez

Game Developer and Software Engineer

I am a graduated software engineer currently living in Iceland. I am passionate in developing games and software applications.

I enjoy the development and design of games, backend, embedded system. Where I use my critical thinking and problem-solving skills to offer flexible and elegant solutions.

During my studies and internships, I have gained experience in game development, backend and front-end development.

Skilled in Unity, C#, Python, Git, C++, SDL2, JavaScript, Java, PHP, SQL and NOSQL.

Confident with the use game engines like Unity3D and SDL2.

Experience with the frameworks Django, ASP.NET, NodeJS, ReactJS.

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Game Prototype

This is a project that I am currently working on. I am trying to simulate the basic mechanics of the Dark Souls combats. I have implemented a flexible targeting system mechanic, to lock and unlock the camera. Similar to the Dark Souls mechanics.

Flambe Game

This is a group project developed for the course Advanced Game Design & Development at the University of Reykjavik. This is a 2D platformer game. Focused on boss battles. I developed and implemented the state machines for the AI and the player mechanics. The AI of the bosses uses state machines to define the behaviour of the boss. I also implemented a probability script, so the AI can decide what to do when certain conditions are met.

AI Stealth Game

This is a group project developed for the course Artificial Intelligence in the University of Reykjavik. This a stealth game where the main player with the use of the A star algorithm will try to reach the target node while avoiding enemies. The A star algorithm re-calculate the path in real-time. I implemented this algorithm with the use of the game engine Unity3D.

The Colleran Web Page

This is a e-commerce web page developed during my internship. The web page was developed with Django and JavaScript. I used Stripe and PayPal APIs for handling the payment of the users.

Embedded Project

Project where I am trying to improve the implementation of a team coursework project that I had during my bachelors. This is a embedded system project, developed with the MCU ESP32 and C++. Is a Home Environment System for detecting the changes of the temperature and humidty.

Racetrack Game

This is a project that I developed during my bachelors degree. I have implemented A star and Breadth First Search algorithms in the game racetrack (vector race). The game was developed in python with the use of the library Pygame.